Online QuickAccesses
Online QuickAccesses are yet another very powerfull deployment functionnality. It lets you create Revit ribbon buttons that:
Always play the latest version of a definition and get automatically updated
Use the right package environment
Can easilly be managed and made accessible to all your users
All the management functionnalities for QuickAccesses can be found in the "Online QuickAccesses Settings" window of the Orkestra Online Settings:
Select the QuickAccess section in the Online Settings :
Creating an Online QuickAccess
Online QuickAccesses are grouped by Workspace. Therefore, before you create an Online QuickAccess for a definition, your first need to select the Workspace it is located in :
Selecting a workspace in the list will display all the definitions it contains, including definitions located in subfolders:
All you have to do to create que Workspace is:
Select the "Definition" in the list.
Here is a video of the process:
The QuickAccesses for definitions that are located in the same workspace are grouped in a pannel named after the workspace:
Deleting an Online QuickAccess
Deleting an Online QuickAccess can be done by performing the following steps:
Select the "QuickAccesses" in the list.
Here is a video of the process:
Customizing an Online QuickAccess
Online QuickAccesses can be customized just like local QuickAccesses. The main difference is that this customization will be visible for all users who have access to this Online Quickaccess. This make your deployment much more user friendly. Here is how you can do it:
You can customize an Online QuickAccess tooltip simply by writing a description in it's metadata. This description will automatically appear in the Online QuickAccess tooltip:
Re-arranging Your Online QuickAccesses
Re-arranging Positions
The position of the Online QuickAccess on the ribbon can be modified like shown in this video:
You can group Online QuickAccesses in a ribbon dropdown button. This allows better “space” management when you want to deploy a lot of definitions to your users as Online QuickAccesses:
You can also customize the icon for the ribbon dropdown:
Last updated